Care and Cleaning Guide for your Fabric
Care & Cleaning Guides: Sunbrella / Stamoid / Seamark / Strataglass
Care Of Sunbrella Fabric (The following information is provided from Sunbrella)
General or Light Cleaning
Sunbrella® fabrics should be cleaned regularly before substances such as dirt and food particles are allowed to accumulate on and become embedded in the fabric. This practice will eliminate the need for more frequent vigorous cleanings.
Brush off any loose dirt.
Prepare a cleaning solution of 2 ounces (1/4 cup) mild soap per gallon of lukewarm water (less than 100°F/38°C).
Use a sponge or a soft bristle brush to clean.
Allow cleaning solution to soak into fabric.
Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Allow fabric to air dry.
For removable Sunbrella fabric umbrella and cushion covers, machine wash in cold water (less than 100°F/38°C). Depending on wash load size, use normal amounts of mild laundry soap. Allow fabric to air dry.
Spot Cleaning
Apply a light mist of our recommended cleaning solution using a spray bottle.
Work the solution into the stain by lightly scrubbing the area with a sponge or very soft bristle brush.
Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Blot excess moisture with a clean, soft towel or sponge. Use a Wet Vac if available to remove excess moisture.
Repeat these steps until stain is removed.
Heavy Cleaning for Stubborn Stains and Mildew
Sunbrella fabric does not promote mildew growth, however, mildew may grow on dirt and other foreign substances that are not removed from the fabric. To clean mildew, or other stubborn stains:
Prepare a solution of 8 ounces (1 cup) of bleach and 2 ounces (1/4 cup) of mild soap per gallon (8 cups) of clean water.
Spray on entire area and allow to soak into the fabric.
Scrub vigorously with a soft bristle brush, sponge, or clean towel.
Rinse thoroughly with clean water.
Allow fabric to air dry.
If stain and/or mildew are severe, bleach quantities may be increased.
For removable Sunbrella fabric umbrella and cushion covers, machine wash in cold water (less than 100°F /38°C). Depending on wash load size, use normal amounts of mild laundry soap and add 1 cup of bleach. Allow fabric to air dry.
Retreating the Fabric
Sunbrella fabrics have a special finish that enhances water repellency. The finish is designed to last for several years of normal use, but may be refreshed after a thorough cleaning or extended use. Glen Raven recommends 303 High Tech Fabric Guard™ as the preferred re-treatment product for Sunbrella fabrics.
Applying 303 High Tech Fabric Guard
303 should be applied to Sunbrella fabrics after each thorough cleaning, which typically removes the original finish and reduces the fabric's water repellency.
Clean Sunbrella fabric, using one of the cleaning methods.
Allow Sunbrella to completely air dry.
Apply 303 Fabric Guard in a well ventilated area following instructions on the container.
Apply 303 in a thin, even coat and allow fabric to dry completely.
Apply a second thin, even coating of 303. (Two light coatings are more effective in restoring fabric water resistance than a single heavy coating. A 15-ounce bottle provides coverage of up to 50 square feet of fabric.)
For more information please see
Professional Cleaners
In evaluating the services of a professional firm, you should inquire about the firm's experience in working with Sunbrella fabrics and knowledge of cleaning and retreatment requirements. DO NOT dry clean Sunbrella fabrics.
Helpful Hints
Protect the area around your Sunbrella fabric when using a bleach solution - bleach may discolor non-Sunbrella fabrics. Always rinse Sunbrella thoroughly to completely remove bleach.
Sunbrella air-dries very quickly. Machine drying is not necessary.
If fabric has some wrinkling, use an iron, if necessary, but only on the synthetic* setting. As some irons exceed the recommended 100°F temperature on the synthetic setting, test a small inconspicuous area before ironing entire piece.
DO NOT use a steamer or iron set to steam setting.
Synthetic fabric heat settings normally do not exceed 150°F.
Stamoid: is guaranteed to withstand all climates. Stamoid exterior marine fabrics have provided long lasting, durable quality on boats of all sizes throughout the world.
Easily Cleaned
All Temperature Flexibility
Soft and pliable
Dimensionally Stable
To Clean: Stamoid should be cleaned of any dirt buildup at regular intervals (at least twice per year). We recommend applying a mild, lukewarm soap solution, such as liquid dishwashing soap, with a soft brush or sponge. Let the soap stand for a short period of time but do not allow soap to dry. The fabric must then be carefully rinsed with clear water in order to remove any remaining soap residue. Allow the vinyl to dry thoroughly, then reuse or fold and store. NOTE: The use of abrasive detergents and/or substances containing solvents or gasoline will damage the vinyl coating and/or fabric. DO NOT WASH THIS MATERIAL IN A WASHING MACHINE OR DRY IN A DRYER.

SeaMark™ is an ideal combination of Sunbrella®, the premier woven acrylic fabric, and Haartz textured marine-grade vinyl. The result: a rich colorfast, waterproof fabric that stands up to the harsh conditions of any marine environment.
SeaMark Dubonnet Tweed is a 60" wide fabric and has superior seam and tensile strength and is dielectrically sealable. Engineered to stand up on the open sea, where salt, moisture, sun, wind, and temperature extremes defeat all but the toughest fabrics. SeaMark is mildew and UV resistant, manufactured with a water-repelled vinyl backing. 16oz per square yard. 5 year limited warranty.
SeaMark Care and Cleaning: Although the fabric does not promote mildew growth by itself, mildew may develop on dirt and other foreign substances that are not removed. This is especially true in warm, humid, dark environments. A program of keeping the fabric clean through regular washings, before it gets dirty, will enhance the life and beauty of the acrylic and make successive cleaning easier. Hand washing in shade or partial shade, not direct sunlight, is best. Do not use detergent. Bird and tree droppings, as well as other loose particle soils, should be removed immediately. Vacuum with a brush attachment and rinse thoroughly with water to remove loose particle soils. This will also prevent the soils from being redeposited during the cleaning process. Washing with soap (i.e. Ivory or Lux) and warm water is safe. Air dry. Never put Sunbrella fabrics in your dryer.
Restoring: We once recommended a restoration process but extensive experience shows actual damage cannot truly be repaired. If IMAR Strataglass Protective Polish cannot restore the clarity and shine, it may be time to consider replacing the enclosures. Please...Please...use our recommended procedures and products from the beginning.
(NOTE: this is from the Strataglass Web Site)
For the customer: We recommend using IMAR Strataglass protective Polish every 1 to 2 months. In the interim, use IMAR Strataglass Protective Cleaner frequently.
Note: All new vinyl can easily get impressions in itself. We recommend new enclosures be left in place to the extent possible. If completely removed, enclosures must be interleaved with either acid-free paper (available from framing shops) or old sheets (the best choice) to prevent "pooling" in the glass, vinyl "seasons" over time and becomes less impressionable. Roll all curtains down and fasten in place nightly to keep perfect appearance. (Review at
Cleaning: Flush thoroughly to cool the surface and rinse away environmental abrasives. Wash with IMAR Yacht Soap Concentrate, or other equally gentle and high quality soap. Do not use Simple Green, Or pine or any other harsh cleaner - they will dull the surface. Apply the soapy water to the clear vinyl section of the curtain with special purpose washing mitt or soft cotton cloths. Thoroughly rinse the soapy solution with fresh water and completely dry the curtains with a high quality chamois. ( makes several tools to make these tasks easier.) Your clear vinyl curtains should be washed whenever your boat is washed. After washing the curtains, apply IMAR Strataglass Protective Polish sparingly with small, light circular motions using a soft cotton cloth. Allow the polish to dry and then remove with a clean soft cotton cloth. Finally, lightly buff to a sparkling shine. Done. For routine maintenance between polishing, use IMAR Strataglass Protective Cleaner. Insure the clear vinyl panels are free of abrasives. Very lightly mist a soft cotton cloth. Lightly and briskly rub a manageable sized area and then lightly buff dry with another clean cloth. Done. We recommend using IMAR Strataglass Cleaner at least weekly but it's so fast and easy you may want to do it daily. You'll love the shine.
Please...Please...use our recommended procedures and products from the beginning.